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Maywood Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Maywood Sexual Harassment Attorney

Having to handle a sexual harassment situation on your own can be isolating, overwhelming, and painful. You may be feeling like there’s nothing you can do, or you may be afraid of losing your job if you report the harassment. It can be harmful to your mental and emotional health when you are sexually harassed and feel unable to do anything about it. Due to the state’s labor laws, you can. A skilled Maywood sexual harassment lawyer can help you build up your case.

Defining Sexual Harassment

For behavior to be considered sexual harassment, it has to be sexually motivated or sexually charged behavior that makes the target of that behavior feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or uneasy. Sexual harassment can sometimes feel so harmless at the time that you may not even initially be aware that you are being harassed. It may take repeated incidents to make you realize it is happening.

Many different incidents can be considered an act of sexual harassment. It doesn’t matter if it happens to you in person, online, over the phone, or through text. When and where it occurs does not matter. Only the incident itself and who was involved matters. If you find yourself the target of sexual harassment, you may want to seriously consider reporting the incident to the right people. If you are fired because of reporting it, you may have grounds for a wrongful termination claim.

If you are confused about whether or not something that happened to you is sexual harassment, that is understandable. It is important to be aware of the different kinds of behavior that may be considered sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can be unwanted sexual advances, sexual assault, assumed exchange of sexual favors for advancement, texting, unwanted touching, and more.

California’s extensive labor laws provide considerable protection to the state’s employees, including when it comes to sexual harassment cases. Under state law, sexual harassment is not to be tolerated in the slightest in any workplace. If it happens to you, you should take the proper steps to protect not only yourself but any future legal claim you make as a result of the incident. Holding the right people accountable can prevent future incidents from taking place again.

Cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid after you do. Consultations/communications can be virtual if preferred.

“Shirazi Law Firm obtained a 7 figure settlement for me in my sexual harassment case“

Steps You Can Take If You Are Sexually Harassed

Realizing you are the victim of sexual harassment can be an awful thing to come to terms with. You may be feeling more alone than ever, but taking the steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again can make all the difference. Everyone’s experience with sexual harassment is going to be different. It could be traumatizing or simply inconvenience you. Regardless, it is reprehensible behavior in the workplace and should be reported to the proper people, likely your HR department.

If you are sexually harassed, it is reasonable to want to keep it to yourself and not pursue any action at all. You may not want to be singled out or made to feel like you have done something wrong, which could happen if your employer refuses to take proper action. Remember that your actions could be the only thing that prevents your harasser from hurting other people. A sexual harassment lawyer can help you build a strong case against the accused.

If you want to file a legal claim against your harasser, you must first lodge a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD). You cannot take legal action without first going through the CRD. When the CRD proceeds with its investigation and sends you a “right to sue” notice, you can then move forward with legal action and speak with your lawyer about building a case.


Can You Win a Sexual Harassment Case?

Yes, it is entirely possible to win a sexual harassment case if you prepare for it, gather plenty of solid evidence, and build a solid case with the help of a skilled and experienced sexual harassment lawyer. Evidence is the most important element. Without enough evidence to prove the harassment and who the harasser was, you may not win your case.

What Is Reasonable Harassment?

There is no such thing as reasonable harassment. Harassment, by definition, is considered unreasonable. If it was reasonable, it wouldn’t be harassment. Any form of unwanted or unwelcome behavior that creates a negative environment may be considered harassment. Even the most minor actions can be considered harassment if they are repeated or impact somebody negatively.

Is Hiring a Lawyer Expensive?

It depends on your case and the kind of lawyer you hire. Everybody’s harassment case is going to be different. Every case has its own set of details and circumstances that make each individual case unique. Since the details of the case are always different, the cost of your lawyer is always going to be different, too. Other factors can depend on how complex your case is and how long it takes to settle.

What Are the Costs of Harassment?

While the immediate financial costs of harassment can include lawyer’s fees, court costs, and other financial damage, the other costs can be much more personal. Harassment can lead to a decrease in workplace productivity, job loss, emotional distress, damaged reputation, mental health struggles, and even medical expenses due to stress. For your employer, the long-term damage of a sexual harassment case can lead to a loss of business opportunities.

If You Need Help, Contact a Sexual Harassment Lawyer

You shouldn’t have to deal with the fallout of a sexual harassment incident on your own. The experience can be personal, painful, and emotionally taxing. A dedicated sexual harassment lawyer can be by your side the entire time and provide you with consistent legal advice, as well as support during this time.

The legal team at Shirazi Law Firm, PC, knows the kind of legal help you are going to need for this situation. We can help you gather the right evidence when building your case and ensure you are protected throughout it. Contact us to speak with someone about a consultation.

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Founder Emanuel Shirazi is an employment lawyer in Los Angeles representing employees who have been legally wronged by their employers. In addition to representing employees, Mr. Shirazi used to defend employers while he worked at the largest employment law firms in the country. Thus, Mr. Shirazi knows the tricks of the trade of the other side and will use that to your advantage in your case. Mr. Shirazi’s experience helps him anticipate your employer’s defense and prepare accordingly.