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Huntington Park Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Huntington Park Sexual Harassment Attorney

Lately, employees have become more aware of their workplace rights after the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements brought important awareness about workplace assault and harassment in many industries. Despite this awareness, many employees are unsure whether to pursue a legal claim if faced with workplace sexual harassment. A Huntington Park sexual harassment lawyer can help answer any questions you may have and discuss pursuing a case against your employer.

What Is Workplace Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment at work means any unwelcome sexual behavior or conduct that creates a hostile, offensive, or intimidating workplace. Such behavior or conduct can include verbal, physical, or non-verbal sexual conduct. Such harassment can come from employers, co-workers, supervisors, or clients, and it can occur in any workplace setting or industry.

Pursuant to the benchmark civil rights legislation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that is illegal at work. As a result, California employers have a legal obligation to their employees to prevent and confront sexual harassment at work. Some examples of unlawful sexual harassment at work include:

  • Catcalling or whistling
  • Battery or sexual assault, like unwanted groping, touching, or kissing
  • Demanding sexual favors or offering a promotion in exchange for a sexual favor
  • Making sexually inappropriate and suggestive jokes, comments, or gestures
  • Poking fun at someone’s gender or their sexual identity
  • Using slurs or derogatory language
  • Non-consensual physical advances like standing too close to an employee or blocking their walking path
  • Talking about sexual fantasies, dreams, or sexual conquests
  • Sending videos, text messages, or photos of a sexual nature or posting them at work

Many activities can fall within the prohibited workplace behavior, and even just one instance of harassment can be unlawful if it’s sufficiently severe. If you’ve experienced any of these issues at work, it’s important to discuss filing a claim against the parties at fault with a knowledgeable attorney. Depending on the factual circumstances, you might have a claim recognized by federal, state, or California harassment laws.

Cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid after you do. Consultations/communications can be virtual if preferred.

“Shirazi Law Firm obtained a 7 figure settlement for me in my sexual harassment case“

What Types of Sexual Harassment Claims Exist?

Two types of employee sexual harassment claims are recognized, including:

  • Quid pro quo – this is a Latin phrase meaning “something for something” or “this for that,” and this type of sexual harassment happens when an employer or a supervisor makes a decision of employment based on their employee’s acceptance or refusal of their sexual advances, such as a promotion in exchange for sexual activity, or threatening to fire the employee if they refuse the supervisor’s sexual demand.
  • Hostile work environment – this type of sexual harassment happens when there is sufficiently permeating unwelcome sexual conduct where an entire work environment feels abusive or even intimidating, such as repeated requests for an employee to go on a date or unwanted physical touching, and such behavior can be considered sexual harassment if sufficiently severe and frequent.

If you think you’ve been a victim of workplace sexual harassment and want to consider filing a claim against your employer, it’s crucial to take action right away. You can consider speaking up about the issues you’re facing, reporting to your company, contacting your Human Resources department at work, and contacting a law firm to discuss filing a formal complaint.

Why Should I Retain an Employment Attorney for My Claim?

If you’ve faced sexual harassment at work, an experienced attorney can:

  • Help navigate the complex California harassment laws
  • Thoroughly investigate workplace incidents
  • Address all potential avenues for recovery and determine all at-fault parties

A Huntington Park attorney can help throughout the entire process, particularly if the harassment has been severe or if the responsibility or liability for the sexual harassment is disputed. Sexual harassment matters can unexpectedly become overwhelming, and a trusted local attorney can help provide the necessary peace of mind throughout the process.

FAQs About Huntington Park, CA Sexual Harassment Lawyer

How Much Does a Huntington Park Sexual Harassment Lawyer Cost?

In Huntington Park, employment lawyers charge based on a variety of fee structures, depending on the case complexity and the attorney’s experience level. Many sexual harassment lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning the attorney only gets paid if you win your case.

If you’re considering a specific attorney, it’s important to discuss their track record handling cases just like yours and if they work om a contingency basis during an initial consultation.

What Kind of Lawyer Do I Need in California to Bring a Claim for Harassment?

For California workplace harassment, an experienced employment lawyer can help handle legal matters related to a workplace/employment claim. They can help:

  • Investigate your claim
  • Discuss the merits of the case
  • File a formal claim
  • Help prove a strong employment case on your behalf

A skilled attorney can further discuss bringing a claim for sexual harassment in California.

How Do I Prove Sexual Harassment in Huntington Park?

In California, in order to prove your case for sexual harassment, you can:

  • Document every incident
  • Gather relevant evidence
  • Report the harassment
  • Demonstrate any negative consequences
  • Show that the harassment altered your condition of employment and was offensive both to you and to a reasonable person
  • Consult a seasoned workplace harassment attorney for assistance

A seasoned attorney can further discuss the burden of proof for a harassment case.

It’s important to consult a knowledgeable attorney before filing a claim to evaluate your goals and to fully understand all legal options and possible risks involved.

Discuss Your California Sexual Harassment Workplace Claim With an Experienced Employment Lawyer

The Shirazi Law Firm, PC, has helped California clients with complex employment cases in order to pursue all avenues of financial compensation and legal recourse available. It can be overwhelming to pursue a legal cause of action against your employer. If someone has violated your employment rights, our firm can help. Contact our team to set up a free initial consultation so you can start moving forward with your life.

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