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Senador estatal acusado de coaccionar a su jefe de gabinete para realizar actos sexuales con resultado de lesiones

asistente jurídico

California state senator, Marie Alvarado-Gil, has been accused of coercing her former chief of staff, Chad Condit, into performing sex acts on her.

The former staffer, who filed a lawsuit against Alvarado-Gil this month in Sacramento County Superior Court, is alleging that she sexually harassed him, created a hostile workplace, and retaliated against him once he began rejecting her sexual advances.

The suit claims the senator began “grooming” Condit after becoming his boss and “engaged in erratic, controlling, sexually dominating abuse of authority and power” against him.

According to the lawsuit, Alvarado-Gil openly discussed intimate details of her personal life with Condit, including taking drugs and marital infidelity. At one point she allegedly asked Condit if he and his wife would be open to becoming a “throuple.”

Eventually, the sexually charged comments turned physical. Condit claims Alvarado-Gil began demanding he perform oral sex on her. During a work trip, Condit alleges Alvarado-Gil “had her pants pulled down and said, ‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty.’”

Condit reluctantly performed the sexual act on the senator over fear of losing his job. He claims he became emotionally numb after months of Alvarado-Gil abusing her power and harassing him.

The lawsuit states that on another occasion, Condit injured his back after Alvarado-Gil demanded he perform a sexual act on her in the car. Upon seeing a doctor, Condit learned he had suffered herniated discs and a collapsed hip because of his body having to “twist and contort in the confined space of the car.” He later underwent surgery due to the severity of his injuries.

After sustaining the injuries, Condit tried to put a stop to the sexual advances by distancing himself from Alvarado-Gil. In response, Alvarado-Gill allegedly retaliated against Condit and gave him a “bogus disciplinary letter with accusations of inappropriate behavior.” The suit also alleges Alvarado-Gil went to Condit’s house and “falsely told his wife that plaintiff was seeing someone to cause him distress.”

In December 2023, Alvarado-Gil fired Condit over text after numerous attempts to “insert herself into a position of control” over Condit’s personal life. Her alleged abuse left Condit emotionally and physically scarred.

Condit first began working for Alvarado-Gil as her campaign manager in 2022. Once elected, he became her chief of staff.

Alvarado-Gil’s lawyer has publicly denied any wrongdoing. He claims the allegations against his client are “financially motivated.”

Alvarado-Gil has been a member of the California State Senate since 2022 and was elected as a member of the Democratic Party. She suddenly switched her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican last month.

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