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NYC Mayor Adams Accused of Ignoring Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Top Advisor


Mayor Eric Adams is defending his top advisor and long-time friend, Tim Pearson, who has been accused of sexually harassing female colleagues and retaliating against those who reported the alleged misconduct.

A stunning new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court claims that Mayor Adams allegedly ignored the inappropriate behavior of Pearson, who supposedly tried to sabotage the career of an NYPD chief that confronted him after witnessing the alleged misconduct.

According to The New York Post, NYPD Chief Militiadas Marmara was removed from his senior position at a confidential agency designed to enhance city bureaucracy after he reported harassment by Pearson. The lawsuit alleges that Pearson’s lewd behavior has been widely known and that “at every level of city government, good people have turned a blind eye to the sexual misconduct of [Pearson] and the trail of retaliation he has left in his wake.”

In the suit, Marmara described witnessing Pearson harass several female employees while they worked together at an office established by Adams to oversee other city agencies. According to ABC, during a December 2022 office party Marmara reported entering a copy room and finding his chief of staff, Sgt Roxanne Ludemann, visibly distressed as Pearson “rubbed her bare shoulder.”

Soon after, Marmara reported Pearson’s inappropriate conduct to Bernard Adams, the mayor’s brother, and then-head of security. However, according to the filing, Bernard reportedly dismissed the behavior as “Tim being Tim” and described Pearson as merely a “ladies’ man.”

Following Marmara’s report of Pearson’s harassment of former police officer Ludemann, Pearson allegedly threatened Marmara, saying, “You keep stirring s—t, you’re going to get s—t on you.” Marmara claims that he was removed from his position as executive director of the “Municipal Services Assessment” agency soon after he made the report.

Among the additional accusations against Pearson are claims from a Queens pastor who reportedly informed the NYPD that Pearson “manipulated his way into having sex” with her by claiming he was “trying to get closer to God.”

The suit also contends that while serving as commanding officer at Brooklyn’s 88th Precinct, Pearson made a disturbing statement declaring, “This is my hen house,” and claimed that only he “could have sex with the women in the precinct.”

This case marks the fourth lawsuit against Pearson in the past year, and he is currently under investigation by another city agency for his involvement in a brawl at a shelter for homeless migrants.

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