Employment contracts are critical milestones that mark the responsibilities, obligations, and overall expectations of a working relationship between an employee…
In California and across the United States, workers are exposed to harmful sexual harassment practices that infringe upon their rights…
Employees who rely on hourly wages may be left wondering how overtime is calculated in California. Knowing that information can…
Losing your job can be a demoralizing and heartbreaking experience, especially if you feel you have lost your job for…
Expecting parents are guaranteed certain rights under California labor laws. It is important to understand your rights as a worker…
An employment lawyer can help you out of many kinds of uncomfortable situations you may experience with your employer. It…
Understanding California FMLA laws and their impact on your rights as a California employee is important, particularly when it comes…
Pregnancy discrimination is not only emotionally harmful to workers, it is unlawful. No employer can discriminate against a job applicant…
While California has no laws that specifically address severance packages in California, a severance offer can still require a careful…
If you are the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you may be asking yourself, "Is an employer liable…