Michael is a hard working Los Angeles native who brought a strong passion to his field of work. Michael performed…
Diane—a Southern California native–was a top performing employee who needed time off due to a temporary mental/emotional disability. Her employer…
Prevailing wage is a base pay rate established by California law to ensure that all construction workers engaged in public…
KT (female) was hired by her boss because he was attracted to her. Once she started, her boss/owner offered her…
WHAT IF MY CHILD’S SCHOOL IS CLOSED BECAUSE OF CORONAVIRUS? California School Emergency Leave and Unemployment Benefits May Help Some…
JT (male) was a manager who was sexually harassed and assaulted by his male boss at work. JT’s supervisor would…
Katy worked for her employer for many years. During the later portion of her employment, two supervisors sexually harassed her…
CC—a teenager—was forced to endure constant and severe sexual harassment and assaults by a co-worker. Early on, CC reported the…
RE was a very young woman who was subjected to sexual assault and harassment from her supervisor during her employment,…
Today I want to talk about one of my pregnancy discrimination cases. I once had a pregnant client who needed…